GO & MAKE Podcast

The GO & MAKE Podcast, hosted by Brian Miller, Director of Evangelization for the Archdiocese of St. Louis, is your guide to living a mission-driven life. Join us as we equip you to live the great commission of Jesus Christ in our local church and beyond. Discover how to GO & MAKE disciples of all nations in this dynamic podcast series.


Brian and Hallow co-founder Alex Jones, discuss the transformative power of prayer in evangelization. Alex shares his personal journey of faith, detailing how he fell away from Catholicism and eventually returned through a deep exploration of prayer and spirituality. They delve into the creation of the Hallow app, designed to help users cultivate a prayer habit, and discuss the importance of reaching out to those who have fallen away from the faith

Brian Miller

Brian Miller has been serving in the New Evangelization for over 20 years as a missionary,  youth minister, speaker, retreat leader, consultant, podcast host and more.  On Mission was launched because of a firm conviction that we are called to be a church on mission to the world, but recognizing that leaders often struggle to develop the habits that help make this a reality. This apostolate is here to be a resource to help leaders in the Church like, you live, your mission more effectively.




(314) 960-4880

St. Louis, MO

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