Articles, podcaasts and additional resoruces to help leaders wrestle with the difficult questions of how to keep your parish or organization On Mission.
The Big Questions
12.13.24 The Big Questions (ft. Jason Kidd of Alpha) In this episode of the Go and Make Podcast, Brian speaks with Jason Kidd, the National Director of Alpha in a Catholic Context. They discuss Jason's faith journey, the importance of patience in evangelization,...
Just start: Everyday Evangelization (ft. Ellie Roche)
11.22.24 Just start: Everyday Evangelization (ft. Ellie Roche) In this episode of the Go and Make podcast, Brian and guest Ellie Roche (pronounced ROACH, in case you were wondering...) discuss how everyone can be an evangelist as they explore the importance of...
Assume nothing on the faith journey
An important evangelization principle will help us be more fruitful in our outreach and invitation to deeper conversion: Assume nothing of anyone. We shouldn’t assume we know where someone is on their spiritual journey. Not everyone has a profound conversion...
More than an Invitation – Evangelization requires a proclamation
Many Catholics say they evangelize. For example, in the Disciple Maker Index survey that was put out as part of All Things New strategic pastoral planning initiative, more than 70% of respondents said they invite friends to parish socials or Mass. While we...
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